Blog Setup (part 1) : Hugo Setup



For my blog, I am no longer using the anatole theme showed in this post and series. I made a Tailwind CSS theme. Read about it in Hugo Theme Development Series

Install Hugo

Follow installation directions at
Create directories C:\Hugo and C:\Hugo\bin
Download Hugo and extract to C:\Hugo\bin
Add C:\Hugo\bin\hugo.exe to PATH


Setup Git

Create private repo on GitHub
Add .gitignore file (

# Generated files by hugo

# Executable may be added to repository

# Temporary lock file while building

Create folder project folder on desktop
Clone GitHub repo to the folder

git clone<username>/<repo>


Modify site info

Change baseURL and title in config.toml

baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'Missing Directive'


Use theme

I am using Anatole Hugo Theme (
Since I want to make changes to the theme, I forked it on GitHub before adding it to the project.

git submodule add<username>/anatole.git themes/anatole

Enable theme in config.toml



Add taxonomies

Add in config.toml

category = 'categories'
series = 'series'
tag = 'tags'


Add menus

Add in config.toml

name = "Home"
identifier = "home"
weight = 100
url = "/"

name = "Posts"
weight = 200
identifier = "posts"
url = "/posts/"

name = "Tags"
weight = 300
identifier = "tags"
url = "/tags/"

name = "Series"
weight = 400
identifier = "Series"
url = "/series/"

name = "About"
weight = 500
identifier = "about"
url = "/about/"